4D Chart v13

Handling 4D Chart Errors


4D Chart v13
Handling 4D Chart Errors

Handling 4D Chart Errors  



4D Chart provides several ways to manage errors that occur during the execution of your code. You can use any combination of these techniques.

  • You can use the CT Error function to check for errors after performing an operation. CT Error returns an error code that represents the status of the last operation performed by 4D Chart. The section Error Codes lists all the 4D Chart error codes.
  • You can use CT ON ERROR to install a method for managing 4D Chart errors. After a method is installed with CT ON ERROR, 4D Chart calls that method when a 4D Chart error occurs.
  • You can check for errors after executing a function or a command that returns values in parameters. If an error occurs during the execution of a function, the function returns -32000. If a command that returns values in parameters encounters an error when retrieving a value for a particular parameter, it returns -32000 in that parameter.


Product: 4D Chart
Theme: Introduction to the language


4D Chart Error Codes
CT Error